We have several free events coming up at SRT.
On Thursday, January 3, at 7 pm is the monthly Michigan Python User Group meeting. Discussions will likely center around a project called Python Underground and I've heard rumors of a discussion of the Rails is a Ghetto blog post by Zed Shaw.
This Friday, January 4, we will hold lightning talks from 3-5. Anyone is welcome to attend (and speak for 10 minute segments). I'll be doing a talk on Scala, a preview of a section of my upcoming CodeMash talk.
On Tuesday, January 15, James Ward (from Adobe) and Bruce Eckel (Java guru) will present "Connecting Java with Flex using Open Source Blaze" for a joint meeting of the Ann Arbor Computer Society/Ann Arbor Java User Group.
And, some for-fee events in the area as well:
CodeMash is, of course, Jan 10-11 (and the evening of the 9th) in Sandusky, OH at the Kalahari Resort and Indoor Water Park. If you are planning to attend, register SOON at $175 for the 2.5 days to avoid the procrastinator fee (of $250).
And the Rich Internet Application Jam will be held at SRT's offices, from January 14-16. Early bird registration goes through January 4, so register before then to save $100 from the $500 fee. Note: the registration fee includes a copy of FlexBuilder.