Even though it's summertime, there are still a lot of meetings in Ann Arbor this week, and next.
On Wednesday, July 2, Chris Sellers will be talking about Amazon EC2 at the Ann Arbor Computer Society meeting. That meeting will be held at SRT Solutions, 206 S. Fifth Ave, Suite 200, Ann Arbor, MI. The meeting starts at 6 pm and is free and open to the public. AACS supplies pizza for all. Supporting members ($20/year annual dues) qualify for door prizes.
On Thursday, July 3, the Michigan Python User Group will meet, also at SRT Solutions. Kevin Dangoor will talk about ZODB, the Python Zope Object Database. MichiPUG meetings are free and open to all.
The following week, on Wednesday, July 9, the Ann Arbor Dot Net Developer Group will host Jonathan Zuck, from ACT Online. Jonathan is a software developer turned lobbyist. His cause is innovation, and his company ensures that our elected officials are informed about technology matters. Jonathan's making the user group rounds, visiting Ann Arbor, Lansing, and Grand Rapids .NET user groups with his message about why we, as technologists, need lobbyists. DotNetRocks listeners may be familiar with Zuck, since he's made several appearances on that podcast, including his most recent visit to discuss OOXML. AADND meetings are also held at SRT Solutions and are also free and open to all.
If you want to participate in a developer-oriented charity event, check out Ann Arbor Give Camp, July 11-13 at Washtenaw Community College.
Just outside of the Ann Arbor area, is the Michigan!/usr/group at the Farmington Hills Library. The topic of their meeting on July 9 is "MythTV".
Oh, and if you were wondering about SRT lightning talks for this week, we've cancelled them because Friday IS the Fourth. The next scheduled lightning talks are on July 18, which happen to be Art Fair week. Hmm, we may need to rethink that date. It seems unlikely that even the half million or so visitors to the art fairs will draw much foot traffic for technical topics!