I missed posting about a lot of events in the past few weeks. It's unfortunate, because there were some great events, including Kirsten Schwark's talk on "Why Groovy" at the Detroit JUG this past Wednesday.
But, it's time to look forward. Today, SRT is hosting lightning talks from 3:30-5. Held at our office at 206 S. Fifth, Suite 200, this event is open to the public and free. We love it when other geeks come in and talk for 5 minutes about things that they're doing. It keeps us all up to date!
Next week is a slow week, but there are some things coming up in December that look interesting and useful:
December 3: Eclipse DemoCamp, Compuware, 6 pm. Free. There will be a presentation about building applications on top of the Eclipse OSGi framework, demos of products / plug-ins built on the framework and after the presentations, people will head over to the Detroit HardRock Cafe. The Detroit HardRock Cafe is located on the first floor of the Compuware building. There will be plenty of free parking and security at Compuware.
The Ann Arbor Computer Society also meets on December 3 at 6 pm. Topic is still TBD, but I hear rumors that people may try out parts of their CodeMash talks, to get input from the AACS audience. That will probably be quite fun and interesting. And of course, this is also free (pizza supplied by AACS). Meeting will be held at SRT Solutions, 206 S. Fifth Ave., Suite 200.
On Thursday, December 4, the Michigan Python User Group meets at 7 pm. The MichiPUG group negotiates its meeting topics in the week prior to the event on its google group, and they never disappoint. Join them at SRT Solutions, 206 S. Fifth Ave, Suite 200. Their meeting is free as well.
On Thursday, December 18, ArbCamp resurfaces … as a BarCamp! You can read more about this event in detail at http://tinyurl.com/6eda4s. This article is not only about the ArbCamp event, but it's a great look at building and growing the tech community in Ann Arbor. I think that this is going to be a fabulous event, and people will not want to leave. It starts at 6 pm on the 18th (I'm trying to figure out how I can get there … have to figure out how to break it to my very understanding husband).
On Wednesday, December 10, the Ann Arbor .NET Development Group will host Jason Follas, speaking on Spatial Data 2008. The meeting will be at SRT Solutions, 206 S. Fifth Ave, Suite 200 at 6 pm. Donations taken for pizza. More details at http://aadnd.org.
On Wednesday, December 17, the Great Lakes Area .NET user group meets at 6 pm at Microsoft's office in Southfield, 1000 Town Center Drive, Suite 1930, Southfield, MI. I'm not sure what the topic is, but keep an eye on http://migang.org
And, don't forget to sign up for CodeMash (January 7-9 in Sandusky, OH). The early bird deadline is November 29! We have an amazing group of speakers lined up, including Mads Torgerson, Venkat Subramaniam, Jesse Liberty, Bill Wagner, David Laribee, Chris Adamson, Jim Weirich, Joe O'Brien, Andrew Glover, Ed Vielmetti and many many more. Whether you're looking for a talk on Ruby or Python, Silverlight or Multithreaded programming, User Experience or Continuous Integration, CodeMash has something for you. Wondering about Erlang? We have talks. IPhone development? I'm VERY excited about this event.