A rant about Community Server …

OK, small rant.  We're using Community Server to power this website and blog.  It's convenient, most of the time.  But I'm a bit annoyed by the built-in "let's protect them from themselves" crap.  For an understanding of this rant, see my previous post about speakers at CodeMash.  First on the list was Mr. Wall (whose first name I apparently CANNOT include in a Community Server post without triggering the naughty filter), an esteemed host of the very popular Java Posse podcast.  Sigh.  It would be fine if he WENT by the name of Richard. But he does not.  He is plain and simply D followed by I followed by C followed by K.  It's his name.  And I'm in the ADMINISTRATOR group for Community Server.  Can I not be trusted?

And now, I'm sure, I will spend more time than I have figuring out how the heck (pretty sure that's as strong of language as I can use) getting Community Server filters to understand that I'm NOT being objectionable.  Until then, apparently Community Server will describe his name as ****.  Lovely.  I didn't have any REAL work to do, right?