Independent consultants: unique opportunity with CodeMash

The CodeMash organizing committee realized that a large number of attendees at CodeMash are independent consultants, self-paying for the event.  We realized that we had left them out when we were designing sponsorship opportunities, and so we have introduced a new sponsorship level for the individual.  Priced at $100, you will get a 1-liner in the conference program, which is a great way to promote your business at a very low cost.

Individual Consultant Sponsorship


Listing in the Service Provider list distributed to each CodeMash attendee as part of the CodeMash program.
Listings will include the following for each consultant:

Name, website, and phone number
One line description of service offerings

Available only to individual, independent consultants in the region. Company logo and information not included on the sponsor page of CodeMash’s website.


If you're interested, please contact me at Dianne.Marsh AT codemash DOT org