I'm really looking forward to CodeMash 2008. There is an amazing list of speakers.
Here's a subset of the talks that interest me (not in any particular order)
Testing with Guice, by Dick Wall
Dick is a cohost of the Java Posse podcast, which is invaluable for keeping up to date on Java. He's also a software developer at Google.
Getting Started with Django, by Leah Culver
Leah is the cofounder/lead developer for Pownce. Don't know Pownce? It's a social networking platform that has been compared to twitter, jaiku, and tumblr. Perhaps it's more than all of those. Hopefully we'll get Leah to tell us more!
LinqTo<T>:Implementing IQueryProvider, by Bill Wagner
Bill is the author of Effective C# and the upcoming More Effective C#. He's also my business partner at SRT Solutions.
Engineering and Polyglot Programming, by Neal Ford
Neal works for Thoughtworks and travels extensively, speaking at many different conferences. He spoke at CodeMash last year and gave an awesome keynote as well.
Crash, Smash, Kaboom Crash Course in Python, by Catherine Devlin
Catherine did this talk at PyCon, to rave reviews.
Bitter Java? Sweeten with JRuby, by Brian Sam-Bodden
Brian is the author of Beginning POJOS and Enterprise Java Development on a Budget. I'm interested in learning more about JRuby and this looks like an interesting talk.
Why I Love Python, by Bruce Eckel
Bruce is a longtime author and active in the development community. He was a founding member of the ANSI/ISO C++ committee. He has spoken at many different conferences, including CodeMash 2007, where he did a fascinating keynote which brought together elements from many different aspects of life about progress toward a solution.
Coding in Silverlight, by Jesse Liberty
Jesse is the Senior Program Manager of Microsoft's Silverlight team.
And there are so many more (but I should get back to work, so check it out yourself on the online session list).
The early bird deadline is tomorrow. Conference registration is $125 today, but will go up to $175 on Friday.